How To Make DIY Sugar Cube Hearts

Make Valentine’s Day extra sweet with these diy sugar cube hearts. This is an amazingly simple recipe that only needs a couple of ingredients to make your own pretty heart-shaped sugar cubes.

How to make pink sugar cube hearts for Valentine’s Day #diy #crafts #valentine #valentinesday #valentinescrafts #sugar #sugarcubes #gatheringbeauty

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DIY Sugar Cube Hearts.

I’m back and excited to share this sweet Valentine's treat with you all. DIY Sugar Cube in the shape of hearts.

This is a really quick and simple project but it's also just a little bit tricky. I had two failed attempts, too much water, not enough and the fact that I am not a patient person.

In my case, it was definitely third time lucky. So don't be put off if it doesn't go right the first time, sometimes even simple projects need a little practice.

These pretty pink sugar hearts would make the perfect gift for not only Valentine's Day but a bridal shower or even a wedding.

You could tint the sugar any colour that takes your fancy and change the shape easily using a different mould. I think these flower-shaped moulds are particularly lovely, don’t you?

How to make pink sugar cube hearts for Valentine’s Day #diy #crafts #valentine #valentinesday #valentinescrafts #sugar #sugarcubes #gatheringbeauty


  • Granulated Sugar

  • Water

  • Food Colouring

  • Heart Shaped Candy/Chocolate Mould (I got mine from the local craft store but I’ve linked similar here),

  • And a bowl and spoon to mix it in.

How to make Homemade Sugar Cubes.

1. Take the bowl of sugar and add the water a tablespoon at a time until a soft, grainy texture is achieved. It should clump together and look similar to wet sand.

Try not to add too much water as it will dissolve the sugar and your sugar hearts won't form properly. Not enough and sugar won't be able to stick together.

2. Add a couple of drops of food colouring and mix well to distribute the colour evenly throughout the mixture. If you want a darker colour add more food colouring a few drops at a time.

Remember a little food colouring goes a long way so it's better to start off by adding a little and building up rather than trying to mix in more sugar later.

3. Take your candy mould and start pressing the sugar firmly into it. Make sure you pack the sugar in as tightly as you can to get rid of any gaps or air bubbles.

4. Level the back of your sugar cubes using  a knife or the back of a spoon and brush away any excess sugar.

How to make pink sugar cube hearts for Valentine’s Day #diy #crafts #valentine #valentinesday #valentinescrafts #sugar #sugarcubes #gatheringbeauty

5. For best results leave to harden at room temperature overnight.

I've seen similar tutorials suggest popping your candy moulds in the microwave or oven (if your mould says it's microwave/oven safe that is) to help speed up the drying process but I found the best way was to try and be patient and simply let them dry naturally.

6. When the sugar is completely hard place a tray over the top of your mould, hold tight onto both and flip over.

Your sugar hearts should pop straight out onto the tray.

Remember you can always give the mould a gentle tap to remove any stubborn cubes.

How to make pink sugar cube hearts for Valentine’s Day #diy #crafts #valentine #valentinesday #valentinescrafts #sugar #sugarcubes #gatheringbeauty

And there they are, sweet and simple DIY sugar cube hearts. Use them at fancy tea parties, as wedding favours, as table decorations at baby showers

And don't forget if tea isn't your thing you can always try making a few of these delicious looking champagne cocktails.

Want more Valentine’s Day Crafts and Printables? You can find them all here or check out some of my favourites below:



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.