Rainy Liverpool

Rainy Liverpool.

Wet cobbled streets

Wet cobbled streets.

Smoked salmon, asparagus, spinach and a poached egg in a cream sauce at The Quarter

Amazing pasta. Smoked salmon, asparagus, spinach and a poached egg in a cream sauce.

White clay bowls

Making more clay bowls . This time plain so I can have  go at marbling them.



Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project. I hope you find something here that inspires you.