Get organised with this free printable weekly planner. Two versions to choose from. The bullet-pointed to-do list or the minimal blank slate.

Simple black and white printable planners that are ink friendly and ready to help you get things done.

Get organised with this free printable weekly planner. Two versions to choose from. The bullet-pointed to-do list or the minimal blank slate. Simple black and white printable planners that are ink friendly and ready to help you get things done. #pri…

I love a good to-do list. Nothing is more satisfying than crossing off a task from your list. In the past, I’ve tried diaries, planners, calendars, wall planners and even good old notebooks but when it comes to being organised I’ve realised that keeping it simple is always best.

After much experimenting, the thing I ended up using the most last year was a simple weekly planner I picked up at the supermarket. As much as I loved it though, it did have a couple of problems. The seven columns were a bit too skinny for writing longer to-do’s and it didn’t have any space for jotting down extra notes. Rather than spending more time trying to hunt down the perfect planner I thought I’d make my own instead. You can find the rest of my printable pdfs over on my printable planner and calendar page.

Get organised with this free printable weekly planner. Two versions to choose from. The bullet-pointed to-do list or the minimal blank slate. Simple black and white printable planners that are ink friendly and ready to help you get things done. #pri…

I’ve made two different versions. A minimal blank slate for you to fill with notes and make your own or a bullet pointed daily list complete with boxes you can check off as you complete each task. In the bottom corner both have a nice large area to fill with tasks, doodles, ideas and anything else that spills over from the previous day.

Download the free weekly planner below. You can also decorate it with stamps and washi tape if black and white isn’t your thing.

How do I print my free printable weekly planner?

  1. Download the PDF file below.

  2. Open the PDF file in Adobe Reader.

  3. Go to File – Print. Make sure to select "Fit" or "Scale to Fit" after choosing the paper size.

  4. Print as many copies as you need.

  5. Grab a pen and jot down your weekly tasks.

Top Tip:

I know ink can get expensive when you do a lot of printing so I like to use a HP Instant Ink Printer.

I pay a small amount every month that lets me print to my heart’s content. When my ink is running low I get replacement printer cartridges mailed straight to my house and can return my old ones for recycling.

Click here to use my referral and we’ll both get 3 FREE months. Pretty great, right?

I hope this printable weekly planner helps you get organised and stay on track. Print it out as many times as you like and get planning!

Sign up below and get your FREE Weekly Planner!

Don’t have time to print this now? Pin the image below to Pinterest to save it for later!

Get organised with this free printable weekly planner. Two versions to choose from. The bullet-pointed to-do list or the minimal blank slate. Simple black and white printable planners that are ink friendly and ready to help you get things done. #pri…


Hi, I'm Emma. I'm a crafter, blogger and paper enthusiast living in the North West of England.

Gathering Beauty is the place where I share craft tutorials and diy inspiration. I started this blog back in 2013 as a way of sharing all the things I love and make. I share paper crafts, clay crafts, origami, printables and desktop wallpapers as well as the odd crochet and weaving project.